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When we need to obtain information from you, we will always request that you provide it voluntarily. The data collected from the forms you fill in on the web or via other channels, will be adequately treated according to  the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OD THE EUROPEAN PARLEMENT AND COUNCIL OF THE 27 OF APRIL 2016  according to the data protection of any individual in what treatment of personal information and free circulation of this data respects and for which  the Directorate 95/46/EU (General Law concerning data protection) is revoked,  of which ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS AMERICANOS S.L is responsible.


This entity will treat all the data in a confidential manner with the purpose of offering the services requested, with all the legal guarantees and security that the Law and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December and the Law 34/2002 of the 11 July, of Society Services of Information and Electronic Commerce impose.

THE AMERICAN COLLEGE will not cede or share the data with any third party without the person´s express consent.

The user can revoke the permission given as well as execute their right to access, rectify, cancel, oppose, right to forget, portability and temporary limitations addressing themselves to the following address: ESTUDIOS UNIVERSITARIOS AMERICANOS SL, address in CENTRO COMERCIAL LA ALZAMBRA, URB. LA ALZAMBRA, OFICINA 1-1 – 29660 MARBELLA – MALAGA (SPAIN), or via their DPO LexDatos: identifying themselves correctly and expressly and directly indicating the rights which they wish to execute, to the following e-mail account:

THE AMERICAN COLLEGE adopts the technical and organizational means needed once the Risk Evaluation the above mentioned law and any other applicable legislation is carried out. Although absolute invulnerability of the system cannot be guaranteed, there for we do not take any responsibility for any damage and prejudice derived from the alterations third parties can cause the computerized system, electronic documentation or users files.

If you choose to abandon our web site via links to other web pages which do not belong to our entity, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE will not be held responsible for the privacy policy of such web sites or the cookies which could be stored in the user’s computer.

Our policy concerning electronic mail is only based on resending information which you have requested.

If you prefer not to receive these messages via electronic mail we offer you the possibility to execute you rights of cancelation and relinquish to receive these messages in accordance with Título III, article 22 , of the law 34/2002 of Society Services of Information and Electronic Commerce.

What are the cookies?

A cookie is a file which is downloaded onto your computer when you access certain web pages. The cookies permit a web page amongst other things to store and recover information about navigational habits of the user and his computer, depending on the information it contains and the way they use their computer it can also be used to identify the user.

Why do we use cookies on this page, and which ones are they?

This page uses cookies for a number of reasons, including¨

  • Analysis: they are those cookies which treated by us or a third party permits us to quantify the number of users and that way carry out a mediation and statistical analysis of the use the user is giving our service. For that we analyse their navigation of our web page in order to better the users experience..

The details of the cookies used in this page are the following:







Google analytics


Of third parties


Collect information about the user’s navigation in the web page in order to know the origin of the visit and other similar information of a statistical level. Don´t obtain data of names or surnames of the user or address from which they are connected.

More Information:

Google Analytical Centre of privacy of Google

Note: The cookies of type “Propias” are only used by the owner of this web and the cookies of “De terceros” are used by the loaner or the services which is detailed in the table above.

How can I deactivate or eliminate these cookies?

You can permit, block, or eliminate the downloaded cookies from your computer via the configuration of the options of your navigator installed in your computer.

Complement of incapacitation for navigators of Google Analytics

If you wish to reject the analytical cookies of Google Analytics from all the navigators, in the way that no information of yours is sent to Google Analytics, you can download a compliment which carries out this function from this link:

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